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Any advice on how to help me write this book?

Question by somestrangedudewantstoknow: Any advice on how to help me write this book?
The book I’m considering to write is about a super successful pop singer who is preforming on the last leg of her world tour somewhere in the U.S.A. (maybe Los Angeles). Anyway, while she’s performing the last song of the night at her last concert of the tour, someone in the crowd shoots her and she dies.
The second chapter opens up ten years earlier when she’s starting a new grade in high school. The rest of the book follows the course of her career in the next ten years. The other story being told will be modern day, minutes after she was shot and how police and investigators are piecing the mystery together of who shot her. I’ll be going back and forth between the two throughout the book.
I was inspired to write this story from Lady Gaga’s music video for “Paparazzi” and the story itself will be called Paparazzi.
However, I know very little about the “technical” side of the entertainment industry, the stuff that happens “behind closed doors” and in order to make the story believable I will have to write certain things pertaining to being on set of a music video, photo shoots, running away form the press, tours, struggles of fame, what happens “behind the scenes” of a successful icon like being in a music studio, singing contracts, dealing with managers, agents, blowups, the everyday life of traveling. I also have no clue about the crime aspect and how to write the murder/suspense/crime part of the story, CSI-like if you will. I know that it will be a long time before I actually start writing this novel, let alone finish it. The only part I have written so far is the opening chapter where she gets murdered on stage. It is just to complicated a storyline to a grip on yet.
Any advice or help?

Best answer:

Answer by Rag
Wow, great story! Im sorry I dont really know much, you’ll have to rely on google, but this will defo be a good book when you publish it

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