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Designing and Building the Blueprint of WE: The State of Grace Document Collaboration Process (5:00)

(5:00 Intro) “Designing and Building the “Blueprint of WE.” The State of Grace Document is a simple, groundbreaking collaboration process that builds effortless, resilient relationships within entire corporations to communities and couples, worldwide. It is often being used to enhance or replace traditional legal contracts.” Visit to learn more and download sample Documents.
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Premarital Agreements Protecting your assets in Divorce can begin before you get married. If you have children from a previous marriage or assets that you acquired before your marriage that you would want to protect in case of a future Divorce, a premarital agreement is something you may want to consider. Parties can agree in advance. For a premarital agreement to be enforceable, in the courts eyes, certain legal requirements must be met. 1) Both parties must sign the agreement voluntarily and clearly understand it. 2) Both parties must fully disclose their assets and debts. 3) The contract must meet the requirements of the law. The most common defense for a premarital agreement is that it was no voluntarily executed: For example, it was signed under misleading circumstances. North Carolina courts look at multiple factors when a premarital agreement is involved. Contact a Qualified Divorce Law Firm: Raleigh Divorce Lawyers Gailor, Wallis & Hunt, PLLC 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Toll-Free: 866.362.7586 Facsimile: 919.832.8283 Legal Notice: The information in this video is provided as a general reference for public service. It is important that you contact a qualified attorney for any legal issue.
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