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Fostering fitness
A little after noon on a Tuesday Lisa Schlosser’s Zumba class is in full motion at Capital City Health Club. About 30 class members dance and sweat to lively, techno-fused music, trying to keep up with Schlosser’s infectious energy.
Read more on Helena Independent Record

Google Turns On Charm to Win Over Europeans
By building and hiring in Europe, the American Internet giant is trying to win hearts and minds as it faces legal, regulatory and political challenges.
Read more on New York Times

Waltham voices – Harvey: Yesteryear in Waltham
I remember going outside without a jacket for the first time of the year – a strange yet welcoming feeling. I would turn to my brother and see he felt exactly the same. Walking around the neighborhood would feel all new to us. In winter, we played in the snow – fun, but so cold and wet. The warmer weather just had so much more to offer. We could ride our bikes, climb trees, get dirty, and only …
Read more on Waltham News Tribune