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Q&A: What is a good informative book about the music industry?

Question by eexa: What is a good informative book about the music industry?
I am looking to get into the music industry- I am very passionate about music and have 2 degrees in business management and entrepreneurship. I want to learn more about the business aspect of the industry and get a more in depth understanding of the industry as a whole. Any book recommendations would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by C B
The music industry can be very fickle, and generally the best experience comes from working in it.
However, Autobiographies/biographies about bands and their experiences with the industry. You could try the INXS book (Story to story) or David Cassidy’s Could it be forever?
Alternatively find a similar book about founders of record companies or band managers.
Good luck 🙂

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