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When the Saints Go Down to Miami

My sister, Gemi Bordelon, wrote a Saints inspired song to the tune of a Kenny Chesney hit for her daughter’s school “Saints” pep rally they are hosting on 2/5/10. (Louisiana and Chesney’s island vibe go hand and hand. He’s a Grand Isle playlist staple. It was the perfect fit for the Saints!) We sent the lyrics to a good friend and country music artist, Judd Bares of Sulphur, LA. WHO DAT?! (My apologies for the personal pics slideshow… I snapped them at the NFC championship game!) **NOTE: This song was written and recorded to show FAN SUPPORT of our NEW ORLEANS SAINTS. No profit is intended with this recording.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Clips of kMw’s Katie & Willy McKenna in the studio with band leader & bassist, Michael Levine, and producer, Jeffery David
Video Rating: 5 / 5