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Why do people spend a fortune on music promotions?

Question by bluecollardream: Why do people spend a fortune on music promotions?
Music & Band promotions- why do aspiring musicians think that they have to spend a lot of money to get noticed?

All you need is music talent… Continue reading

Why do people spend a fortune on music promotions?

Question by bluecollardream: Why do people spend a fortune on music promotions?
Music & Band promotions- why do aspiring musicians think that they have to spend a lot of money to get noticed?

All you need is music talent… Continue reading

Meet and greet, and hug and strip, and charge a fortune

Meet and greet, and hug and strip, and charge a fortune
They say you should never meet your heroes, as they will invariably disappoint you. Clearly there’s no joy in discovering that the icon of your youth is actually a… Continue reading