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Sound of Music Pre-Opener – Micro Marching

One of my favorite things to do on Micro Marching is to create synchronized drill. Naturally, I keep an eye on all the latest releases from the publishing companies. I heard this track on the Arrangers Publishing Company site the… Continue reading

Reason Micro Tutorial – Kong Basics

Kong is indeed a beast of a machine and in this micro tutorial we scratch the surface to learn about the parts that make up this gorilla-sized drum machine. More detailed tutorials will follow.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Reason Micro Tutorial – Live Sampling 101

If it was good for Trevor Horn, The Beastie Boys, and pretty much every pioneering producer in the last 30 years… then it’s good for us too. Live Sampling is back in Reason 5 and Record 1.5. But before you… Continue reading