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DBZ BT3 – Saiyans & Fusions Moveset (Music: Dragon Soul)

Here, you will see all of the Saiyans and the Fusions 3 special moves from the Wii game, Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3. It goes from Raditz, Nappa, Turles, Fasha, King Vegeta, Bardock, Broly, Gotenks, Vegito, Gogeta, and SSJ4… Continue reading

DBZ BT3 – Half-Saiyans Moveset (Music: CHASER!!)

Here, you will see all of Gohan’s, Trunks’, Goten’s and Pan’s 3 special moves from the Wii game, Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3. It goes from Kid Gohan, Teen Gohan, Gohan, Ultimate Gohan, Future Gohan, Trunks (Sword), Trunks, Kid… Continue reading